February 14Sts. CYRIL and METHODIUS, Patron Saints of Europe Dear brethren in Christ, todays is the feast of the Patron Saints of Europe, Sts....
January 28ST. THOMAS AQUINAS, PRIEST AND DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH Dear friends, today we celebrate the memorial of St. Thomas Aquinas (1224-1274). St. Thomas...
December 10:OUR LADY OF LORETO Since the fifteenth century, and possibly even earlier, the Holy House of Loreto, a town south of Ancona, has...

November 9THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA [Feast] HOMILY AND COMMENTARY. The Lateran Basilica is the cathedral of Rome. It was built in the...
OCT. 7: OUR LADY OF THE HOLY ROSARY. History of the feast. “Neither the troops, nor weapons, nor the commanders,but Mary of the Rosary...
OCTOBER 7: OUR LADY OF THE HOLY ROSARYThe 15 Promises of the Rosary. Guide to pray the Holy Rosary Dear friends, Happy Feast Day...
Sept. 28 – St. LORENZO RUIZ & COMPANIONS, Martyrs Patron saint of OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers), of the Filipinos and the Philippines Dear friends,...
Sept. 15OUR LADY OF SORROWSSTABAT MATER SEQUENCE Today’s feast follows immediately upon the Triumph of the Cross. The Church reminds us of the special...
SEPT. 8: BIRTHDAY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY.Gospel Insight and Commentary. The Church, in keeping a solemn feast for the birthday of the Blessed...
August 12: ST. JANE FRANCES DE CHANTAL.Foundress of the Order of Visitation. Learn how to forgive.The Martyrdom of Love Today we celebrate the memorial...
August 10.St. LAWRENCE, Deacon, Martyr. Feast.Gospel, Commentary, Divine office 2nd reading, and prayer. OUTLINE GOSPEL: Jn 12:24–26 GOSPEL COMMENTARY (Commentary to the Gospel of...
August 9: ST. TERESA BENEDICTA OF THE CROSS (Edith Stein).Co-patroness of Europe. Virgin and Martyr.Philosopher, Jewish convert, professor, Discalced Carmelite nun. OUTLINE SHORT BIO...