August 12: ST. JANE FRANCES DE CHANTAL.Foundress of the Order of Visitation. Learn how to forgive.The Martyrdom of Love Today we celebrate the memorial...
POPE FRANCIS’ 7 MOST TENDER MESSAGES TO GRANDPARENTS AND TO THE ELDERLY Dear friends, let us thank God for giving us our grandparents. They...
July 26: ST. JOACHIM AND ST. ANNE, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Love your grandparents and all the elderly! Today, July 26, is...
POPE FRANCIS: TAKE CARE OF THE ELDERLY AND THE SICK. In his recent tweet, Pope Francis reminds all of us not to forget the...
INDULGENCES FOR THE EXTRAORDINARY JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY Dear friends, as Pope Francis underlines in his Bull, Misercordiae vultus,n. 22: “to live the...