ST. POLYCARP, BISHOP AND MARTYRShort bio and Martyrdom account St. Polycarp (d.155) was converted to Christianity by St. John the Evangelist. He was later...
February saints
Feb. 21:ST. PETER DAMIAN, BISHOP AND DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH. St. Peter (1007-1072) was born in Ravenna, orphaned early, and after a youth spent...
Feb. 17: THE SEVEN HOLY FOUNDERS OF THE SERVITE ORDER. The Seven Holy Founders belonged to seven patrician families of the city of Florence,...
February 14Sts. CYRIL and METHODIUS, Patron Saints of Europe Dear brethren in Christ, todays is the feast of the Patron Saints of Europe, Sts....
February 14ST. VALENTINEPatron of Love, Young People and Happy Marriages. Dear brethren in Christ, HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! The entire world today celebrates Valentine’s day...
February 10ST. SCHOLASTICA, VIRGIN, FOUNDER OF THE ORDER OF BENEDICTINE NUNS Born in Italy, St. Scholastica (480-547) was the twin sister of St. Benedict...

Feb. 8ST. JOSEPHINE BAKHITA, VIRGIN St. Josephine Bakhita (c. 1869-1947) was born in western Sudan, in the village of Olgossa and belonged to the...
Feb. 8ST. JEROME EMILIANI Born in Venice. Converted to Christianity after a rather dissolute youth, St. Jerome (1486-1537) dedicated himself to the service of...
February 6: Sts. PAUL MIKI AND COMPANIONS, Martyrs of Nagasaki (Japan). Prayer vid + Martyrdom account Paul Miki, a Japanese Jesuit, and his twenty...
Feb. 5: ST. AGATHA,Virgin and Martyr. Short bio and reading. SHORT BIO St. Agatha (d. c. 251) was born at Catania, Sicily. She is...

Feb. 3: ST. BLAISE. Short bio and reading. St. Blaise (d.316) was a physician, and bishop of Sebastea (modern Sivas, Turkey). According to his...
Feb. 3: ST. ANSGAR (OSCAR). Short bio and reading. Born in Bremen, Germany, St. Ansgar or Oscar (801-865) became known as the “Apostle of...