PRAYER TO MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, MOTHER OF MERCY. In Dives et misericordia, St. John Paul II wrote: “The Mother of God is also...
Love for Our Lady
December 10:OUR LADY OF LORETO Since the fifteenth century, and possibly even earlier, the Holy House of Loreto, a town south of Ancona, has...
December 8:HOMILY FOR THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF MARY (SOLEMNITY)AV reflection summary and text. Dear friends: Happy Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary! As...
Nov. 27 OUR LADY OF THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL. Short history and prayer SHORT HISTORY In 1830 in France, St. Catherine Laboure was visited by...
OCT. 13, 1917 APPARITION OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA IN SOR LUCIA’S WORDS Now, Your Excellency, here we are at the 13th of October....

October 12 OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR. Holy Mary, Our Lady of the Pillar, listen to our prayer while we celebrate your feast, Mother...
OCT. 7: OUR LADY OF THE HOLY ROSARY. History of the feast. “Neither the troops, nor weapons, nor the commanders,but Mary of the Rosary...
OCTOBER 7: OUR LADY OF THE HOLY ROSARYThe 15 Promises of the Rosary. Guide to pray the Holy Rosary Dear friends, Happy Feast Day...
Sept. 24: Our Lady of Ransom, Our Lady of Grace. According to pious tradition, Our Lady appeared to King James I of Aragon, to...
Sept. 15OUR LADY OF SORROWSSTABAT MATER SEQUENCE Today’s feast follows immediately upon the Triumph of the Cross. The Church reminds us of the special...
SEPT. 8: BIRTHDAY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY.Gospel Insight and Commentary. The Church, in keeping a solemn feast for the birthday of the Blessed...
August 20: ST. BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX, Doctor of the Church Bernard of Clairvaux’s parents were Tescelin, Lord of Fontaines, and Aleth of Montbard, both...