In Dives et misericordia, St. John Paul II wrote:

“The Mother of God is also the mother of Mercy and the model for the Church. The Church “professes and proclaims mercy – the most stupendous attribute of the Creator and of the Redeemer – when she brings people close to the sources of the Savior’s mercy, of which she is the trustee and dispenser.“
Pope Francis also wrote that:
From the eyes of all those who are weighed down by the trials of life, he looks out at us with mercy and says: Peace be with you! In this regard, I think of Our Lady’s presence with the Apostles. I also recall that we commemorate her as Mother of the Church on the day following Pentecost and as Mother of Mercy on the Monday following Divine Mercy Sunday. May she help us move forward in our ministry (Homily, April 24, 2022).
May Our Lady, Mother of Mercy – I like to think of her as the Mother of Mercy on the Monday after Mercy Sunday – accompany us on the journey of faith and love (Regina caeli address, April 24, 2022).
Let us then ask Mary, our Mother: TURN YOUR EYES OF MERCY TOWARDS US,
and after our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus! O clement, o loving, o Sweet Virgin Mother Mary, pray for us o Holy Mother of God,
that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Below is a prayer to Our Mother of Mercy.

Mary, Mother of God, I turn to you in all my pressing needs and difficulties as to a most sure refuge.
I implore the help of your protection and choose you as my advocate.
I entrust my cause to you who are the Mother of Mercy,
and I wish to offer you day by day my most reverent love.
But that my devotion may be pleasing to you,
help me to maintain my soul and body in the spotlessness of your purity,
help me to try as best I can to walk in your footsteps,
humbly seeking to be like you.
Even if I have committed all possible sins,
let me never lose confidence in you,
for I know I shall always find your Heart filled with mercy
The Son of God has His justice,
but you, the Mother, have only your mercy.
You desire more to do good to me than I can desire to receive favors from you,
for your Heart is all love and mercy.
Mary, My Mother, how shall I stand before my Judge at the day of judgment?
How shall I answer for the wasted days and years which God has given me to serve Him alone?
I look to you, Mother of Mercy.
You are all-merciful that you may obtain for me pardon and mercy.
You are kind and loving for you have a mother’s heart, full of pity for the erring.
You are a Mother of Mercy to the sinner and the fallen; have pity on me!
Fr. Rolly Arjonillo.
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