Nov. 17ST. ELIZABETH OF HUNGARY.Edifying example of love for the poor and detachment from worldly goods. St. Elisabeth (1207-1231) of Hungary was the daughter...
Homily 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)JESUS CHRIST, THE FACE OF GOD THE FATHER’S LOVE AND MERCYThe Blind Man of Jericho “Let the hearts...
Homily 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time B. THE RICH YOUNG MAN: Attachment to Wealth is an Obstacle to Heaven Today’s 28th Sunday in Ordinary...
August 20: ST. BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX, Doctor of the Church Bernard of Clairvaux’s parents were Tescelin, Lord of Fontaines, and Aleth of Montbard, both...
August 11: ST. CLARE OF ASSISI.Founder of the Poor Clares St. Clare of Assisi (1193-1253) followed the footsteps of her brother, St. Francis of...

WHAT IS CHRISTIAN POVERTY? Jesus told the rich young man, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the...
ST. AUGUSTINE ON AUTHENTIC HAPPINESS AND WORLDLY JOY. “What is it to rejoice in the ‘world’? It is to find delight in evil,...
POPE FRANCIS ON THE CHURCH: SHE MUST BE HUMBLE, POOR & TRUSTING IN THE LORD Dear friends, in yesterday’s (Dec. 15, 2015) Santa Marta...
POPE FRANCIS ON THE RICH YOUNG MANFaith and Attachment to Riches Cannot Coexist. Dear friends, below you’ll find Pope Francis’ Angelus speech as he...
POPE FRANCIS IMPROVISED HOMILY TO THE CLERGY AND RELIGIOUS AT VESPERS (CUBA) On Poverty and Mercy Dear friends, below you’ll find the improvised homily...