Oct. 28: ST. SIMON AND ST. JUDE THADDEUS, APOSTLES (Feast). MASS PRAYERS AND PROPER READINGS. St. Simon is usually called the “Cananean” and also...
October saints and feasts

Oct. 28: ST. SIMON AND ST. JUDE , GOSPEL AND COMMENTARY. “JESUS SPENT THE NIGHT IN PRAYER” (Lk 6:12–16). Gospel of Oct. 28, Feast...
Oct. 28STS. SIMON AND JUDE, APOSTLES. POPE BENEDICT XVI’ ADDRESS ON TODAY’S SAINTS. St. Simon is usually called the “Cananean” and also “the Zealot”,...
Oct. 24ST. ANTHONY CLARET, BISHOP. Short bio and reading. Born in Spain, St. Anthony Claret (1807-1870) worked as a missionary preacher in Catalonia and the...
October 23: St. JOHN CAPISTRANO, Priest. Short bio and reading. Born in Italy, St. John Capistrano (1386-1456) became a Franciscan after having worked as...
OCT. 22:ST. JOHN PAUL II, PRAY FOR US! Short bio and AV summary. Charles Joseph Wotjtyła later known as Saint John Paul II, was...
October 19Saint Paul of the Cross, Priest Born in Liguria, Italy, St. Paul of the Cross (1694-1775) devoted himself to the service of the...

Oct. 19: Saints JOHN DE BRÉBEUF AND ISAAC JOGUES, Priests and Companions, Martyrs of Canada. Saints JOHN DE BRÉBEUF AND ISAAC JOGUES and companion...
OCT. 18 – FEAST OF ST. LUKE GOSPEL COMMENTARY: “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few” (Lk 10:1–9). Gospel of Thursday, 26th...
Oct. 18: ST. LUKE THE EVANGELIST. Mass prayers and proper readings. A physician from Antioch, he was converted to the Christian faith. He was...
![Oct. 18: ST. LUKE, EVANGELIST [Feast]. Short bio and a sermon from St. Gregory the Great. 27 Oct. 18: ST. LUKE, EVANGELIST [Feast]. Short bio and a sermon from St. Gregory the Great. 9](https://catholicsstrivingforholiness.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/St.-Luke-the-Evangelist-tn.jpg)
Oct. 18ST. LUKE, EVANGELIST [Feast]Short bio and Divine Office 2nd reading. St. Luke was a physician from Antioch. He converted to the Christian faith...

Oct. 17. ST. IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH, BISHOP AND MARTYR Short bio and letter prior to his martyrdom. St. Ignatius of Antioch was the successor...