GUIDE TO HOLY ROSARY Help more people by offering each mystery for an intention. Re-posting a clearer and better version as the previous...
Love for Our Lady

OCTOBER, MONTH OF THE HOLY ROSARY Dear friends, October is the month which the Catholic Church dedicates to the Holy Rosary, a devotion which...
Sept. 15: Our Lady of Sorrows Today’s feast has its origin in that Christian devotion which associates Our Lady with the Passion of her...
Sept. 12: HAPPY FEAST DAY OF THE HOLY NAME OF MARY “Call upon Mary! (St. Bernard, Homily)
3 min read
Sept. 12: HAPPY FEAST DAY OF THE HOLY NAME OF MARY “Call upon Mary! (St. Bernard, Homily) Dear friends, Happy feast day of the...

Sept. 12: THE MOST HOLY NAME OF MARY Blessed are you, O Virgin Mary, by the Lord God Most High, above all women on...