POPE FRANCIS ON VICES AND VIRTUES 2: THE SPIRITUAL STRIVING Dear brothers and sisters, good morning! Last week we introduced the theme of vices...
Interior Struggle
INTERIOR STRUGGLE: WHAT IS IT? WHY IS IT NECESSARY TO FOLLOW CHRIST? As I read today’s Gospel, I thought it convenient to make a...
GOD IS PATIENT WITH US: ARE WE TOWARDS OTHERS?HELPFUL TIPS TO GROW IN PATIENCE. Dear brethren in Christ, as we all know, one of...
“LORD, RESCUE ME FROM MYSELF (St. Josemaria).” Dear brethren in Christ, our life till the end will be a struggle to correspond to God’s...
ON GUARDING OF THE EYES:POPE ON THE PRUDENT USE OF TV & INTERNET The 2nd Book of Samuel (2 Sm 11:1–4a, 5–10a, 13–17) tells...
ST. JOHN PAUL II ON CONVERSION AND DIVINE MERCY We have just rejoiced over the story of St. Augustine’s conversion. Nevertheless, the grace of...
8 min read
MAKE ROOM FOR MARY IN OUR FAMILY. Pope Francis’ Homily during theMass for Families in Guayaquil (Ecuador), July 6, 2015 In the Holy Mass...
“REMAIN IN MY LOVE…LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I LOVE YOU (Jn 15: 9.12).” In a post I uploaded several weeks ago in my Facebook...