Dear brethren in Christ, our life till the end will be a struggle to correspond to God’s grace so that He could work and form the image of Jesus Christ in our soul, in our life. We need to ask His indispensable help to overcome our worst enemy: our self, the old man we carry within us. We could say the same prayer St. Josemaria wrote in “The Forge,” nn. 120, 122:
“Lord, rescue me from myself!
Lord, from now on let me be another: no longer “me”, but that “other person”
you would like me to be.
Let me not deny you anything you ask of me. Let me know how to pray. Let me know how to suffer. Let me not worry about anything except your glory. Let me feel your presence all the time.
May I love the Father. May I hunger for you, my Jesus, in a permanent Communion. May the Holy Spirit set me on fire.”
PRIDE:THE ENEMY OF LOVE OF GOD AND OF ONE’S NEIGHBOR in https://catholicsstrivingforholiness.com/2015/06/16/pride-the-enemy-of-love-of-god-and-love-of-neighbour/
Cristo de la Buena Muerte, Hermandad de Los Estudiantes (Sevilla, Spain) in http://www.hermandaddelosestudiantes.es/website/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/quintoquinario.jpg
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Thanks and God bless you and your loved ones! Fr. Rolly Arjonillo.