NOV. 3:ST. MARTIN DE PORRES.ST. JOHN XXIII’S SERMON DURING HIS CANONIZATION. Born in Lima, Peru, St. Martin (1579-1639), a Dominican lay brother, was noted...
Lenten readings:IN PRAISE OF CHARITY (St. Leo the Great) Lenten readings:IN PRAISE OF CHARITY (St. Leo the Great) In John’s gospel the Lord says: By...
DO YOU WANT TO GROW MORE IN YOUR LOVE? STRIVE TO BE MORE HUMBLE. We all want to love God and the people He...
“WITHOUT LOVE ,EVERYTHING IS IN VAIN (St. Maximus the Confessor).” Charity is a right attitude of mind which prefers nothing to the knowledge of...
POPE FRANCIS: MARY, MODEL OF FAITH AND CHARITY. Below you have the ZENIT translation of the address Pope Francis gave today, Sec. 23, 2018...
JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH, MAY CHRIST’S LOVE REIGN IN OUR FAMILIES. The meme above shows a beautiful and doable quote from St. John...
POPE FRANCIS ON THE GOOD SAMARITAN, FAITH AND WORKS OF LOVE. Dear brethren in Christ, below you have the ZENIT translation of Pope Francis’ Angelus...
DAILY GOSPEL: “Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.”...
AMORIS LAETITIA: STRENGTHEN AND DEEPEN YOUR CONJUGAL AND FAMILY LOVE. HYMN TO CHARITY. Dear brethren in Christ, below you have the first three paragraphs...