Homily 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time B. THE RICH YOUNG MAN: Attachment to Wealth is an Obstacle to Heaven Today’s 28th Sunday in Ordinary...
Homily for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C. LAZARUS AND THE RICH MAN. Riches and freedom create a special responsibility. Dear brethren...
Homily 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time C SEEK WHAT IS ABOVE WHERE CHRIST IS SEATED. BE RICH IN WHAT MATTERS TO GOD Dear brethren...
Pope Francis’ General Audience. ON THE ARROGANCE OF POWER, ABUSE OF AUTHORITY, POLITICS, SERVICE & GOD’S MERCY. Dear brethren in Christ, below you’ll find...
POPE FRANCIS ON THE CHURCH: SHE MUST BE HUMBLE, POOR & TRUSTING IN THE LORD Dear friends, in yesterday’s (Dec. 15, 2015) Santa Marta...