DAILY GOSPEL REFLECTION. “BY YOUR PERSEVERANCE, YOU WILL SECURE YOUR LIVES” (Lk 21:12–19). Gospel of Wednesday, 34th week in Ordinary TimeLk 21:12–19 Jesus said...
August 25.ST. JOSEPH CALASANZ,Founder of the Piarists.Universal Patron of all the Christian popular schools in the world. Today we remember St. Joseph Calasanz, a...
3 min read
BEATITUDES 8: BLESSED ARE THE PERSECUTED. In the picture, you see displaced Iraqi Christians pray, light candles for a religious service in Arbil, northern...
Homily 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time C FIDELITY AT THE HOUR OF TRIBULATION. Dear brethren in Christ, today’s 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time C...
POPE FRANCIS IN UGANDA “CATECHISTS: YOURS IS A HOLY WORK!” Dear friends: Here is a Vatican translation of the address Pope Francis...
PRAY FOR THE HOLINESS & FIDELITY OF ALL THE MEN AND WOMEN OF GOD Nobody in this world is exempt from the snares of...
Pope Francis On How Wordliness Destroys Christian Identity and Leads to Apostasy In his Nov. 16, 2015 Homily at Santa Marta, the Holy...
Sept. 15: Our Lady of Sorrows Today’s feast has its origin in that Christian devotion which associates Our Lady with the Passion of her...