PARTIAL INDULGENCE: OFFER YOUR SUFFERINGS TO GOD WITH A SHORT PRAYER. Suffering is part of our life. But God wishes us to seek Him...
Interior peace
TO HAVE INTERIOR PEACE, LEARN TO ENTRUST EVERYTHING TO GOD! When we have a worry or we begin to be upset, we turn immediately...

TIPS TO REGAIN INTERIOR PEACE At times, some people, even after having been forgiven in the Sacrament of Confession, are haunted by their past grave...

MARIA, REGINA MUNDI, ORA PRO NOBIS! Maria Regina mundi, Maria Mater Ecclesiae Tibi assumus Tui memores Vigilamus!Vigilamus! Mary, Queen of the World, Mother of...
“OMNIA IN BONUM (Rm 8:28).”Meaning and application in our Christian life. We are right to trust completely in our Father God. We may not...
TRUST IN GOD AND HIS LOVING FATHERLY PROVIDENCE. Many times in our life, we get so anxious and worried about so many things: financial...