Oct. 2: FEAST OF THE HOLY GUARDIAN ANGELSLove your Guardian Angel and ask his help daily! “Angels of the Lord, bless the Lord, praise...
Guardian Angel
PRAY TO YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL MANY TIMES DURING THE DAY! As a sign of His Loving Providence, God gave to each one of us...
2 min read
A BEAUTIFUL PRAYER TO THE GUARDIAN ANGEL Most faithful companion, appointed by God to be my guardian, my protector, and defender, and who never...
Tuesday Devotion: OUR GUARDIAN ANGEL.
3 min read
Tuesday Devotion:OUR GUARDIAN ANGEL Dear brethren in Christ, as in the previous posts, we have been dedicating a day of the week to a...
QUOTES FROM ST. JOSEMARIA ON THE HOLY GUARDIAN ANGELS FOR YOUR PERSONAL PRAYER. “Have confidence in your guardian angel. Treat him as a very...
OCT. 2:HOLY GUARDIAN ANGELS. A sermon of St. Bernard. This memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels was placed in the Roman calendar in 1615....