WHY DO CATHOLICS PRAY TO SAINTS?Summary vid + full text. LINKS What we do in our daily life: ask prayers and help from our...
KNOW AND LOVE YOUR CATHOLIC FAITH 5.I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. (Compendium nn. 50-78) CLICK LINKS FOR...
KNOW AND LOVE YOUR CATHOLIC FAITH 4. I believe in God the Father. Compendium nn. 33-49. Outline (click on the links) What are the...

KNOW AND LOVE YOUR CATHOLIC FAITH CHAPTER THREE: Man’s Response to God Compendium nn. 24-32 I Believe 25. How does man respond to God...

THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AND PROTESTANT “CHURCHES”:Are they the same? No. Here are the differences. Dear brethren in Christ, I’m sharing with you an article...
Summary of Catholic Teaching Topic 23: THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE OR RECONCILIATION (2) Rev. Prof. Antonio Miralles Pontificia Università della Santa Croce (Roma, Italia)...

ARE YOU SAVED?HOW A CATHOLIC MUST RESPOND. “ARE YOU SAVED?” This is a typical question a fundamentalist or Born-again Christian poses to Catholics. As...
SAFEGUARD YOUR CATHOLIC FAITH! AVOID ACTIVITIES ORGANIZED BY SECTS. Dear brethren in Christ, as God’s minister, I would like to encourage you to protect,...
“SOLA SCRIPTURA” (BIBLE ALONE) IS NOT BIBLICAL: 21 REASONS WHY. SOLA SCRIPTURA or Bible alone as the only authority of Christianity is one of...
Summaries of Catholic Teaching Topic 25: MARRIAGE Rev. Prof. Rafael Diaz, Pontificia Università della Santa Croce (Roma) “The matrimonial covenant, by which a man...