This is what Our Lord Jesus did on the Cross.
When the burden is too heavy, let us learn to abandon our problems… our life to God, with a filial trust in His Providence: “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit!”
In this regard, St. Josemaria taught a beautiful prayer which you might want to repeat as well:
“You said to me: Father, I am having a very rough time.
In answer I whispered in your ear: Take upon your shoulders a small part of that cross, just a tiny part. And if you can’t manage that then… leave it entirely on the strong shoulders of Christ. And from this moment on, repeat with me:
My Lord and my God: into your hands I abandon the past and the present and the future, what is small and what is great, what amounts to a little and what amounts to a lot, things temporal and things eternal.”
I assure you, peace and serenity will invade your soul.
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Thanks and God bless you and your loved ones! Fr. Rolly Arjonillo.