DECEMBER 22 MASS PRAYERS AND READINGS. ENTRANCE ANTIPHONO gates, lift high your heads; grow higher, ancient doors. Let him enter, the King of Glory![–» Greeting]...
December 17-24 Special Masses
DECEMBER 20 Mass prayers and readings
4 min read
DECEMBER 20 Mass prayers and readings ENTRANCE ANTIPHON Egrediétur virga de radíce Iesse, et replébitur omnis terra glória Dómini, et vidébit omnis caro salutáre...
DECEMBER 23 Mass prayers and readings
4 min read
DECEMBER 23Mass and readings ENTRANCE ANTIPHONNascétur nobis párvulus, et vocábitur Deus, Fortis; in ipso benedicéntur omnes tribus terræ.A child shall be born for us,...
DECEMBER 21 Mass prayers and readings.
4 min read
DECEMBER 21Mass prayers and readings. ENTRANCE ANTIPHONModo véniet Dominator Dóminus, et vocábitur nomen euis Emmánuel quia Nobíscum-Deus.The Lord and Ruler will be coming soon,...
4 min read
DECEMBER 18MASS AND READINGS ENTRANCE ANTIPHONRex noster advéniet Christus, quem Ioánnes prædicávit Agnum esse ventúrum.Christ our King is coming, he is the Lamb foretold...
December 17 Mass prayers and readings.
5 min read
December 17 Mass prayers and readings. ENTRANCE ANTIPHON Læténtur cæli et exsúltet terra, quia Dóminus noster véniet, et páuperem suórum miserébitur. Rejoice, O heavens,...
DECEMBER 19 Mass prayers and readings
5 min read
DECEMBER 19Mass prayers and readings ENTRANCE ANTIPHONQui ventúrus est véniet et non tardábit, et iam non erit timor in fínibus nostris, quóniam ipse est...
December 24 MORNING MASS AND READINGS. ENTRANCE ANTIPHONEcce iam venit plenitúdo témporis, in quo misit Deus Fílium suum in terram.Behold, when the fullness of...