- Conversion entails repentance and faith in the Gospel
- Why the call to conversion?
- “Teach me your ways, O Lord (Ps 24).”
- Conversion entails repentance and faith in the Gospel
Conversion, which consists in repentance from our sins and faith in the Gospel, is the central theme of this Sunday’s Liturgy of the Word.
- In the 1st reading, the Ninivites heeded God’s call to conversion through his Prophet Jonas, for they turned from their evil ways through concrete acts of repentance.
- In the Gospel, Jesus himself said: “The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”
- His call to repentance and faith in the Gospel received a concrete reply from Simon, Andrew, James and John, who left their boats and nets -their comfort zones and security– and risked their entire life in order to follow Christ, thus constituting as examples for all of us baptized Christians.
2. Why the call to conversion?
God gave us the gift of Jesus out of His immense love for us. He did so because He desires our true happiness which couldn’t be found in the pleasures of this world but only in our union with Him.
- As St. Paul said in the 2nd reading, “the world in its present form is passing away,” indicating its fleeting nature, and all that is within it, and thus exhorts us to not put our hopes in the world, live our life in a manner which will lead us to God, our hope and true happiness, and choose the right path to arrive at our heavenly goal.
3. “Teach me your ways, O Lord (Ps 24).”
This is what we pray in the Responsorial Psalm. But then Our Lord has already shown, taught, and given us the Way: His Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ!
- This is the reason why Jesus himself exhorts us to believe in the Gospel, for the Gospel shows us the way: it is the life and teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
- As Christians, we are called to seek, encounter and follow Christ so as to be other Christs, Christ himself. But in order to do so, we must get to know Christ and His teachings contained in the Gospel, so as to imitate Him and put to practice what He taught.
- Hence, we understand the utmost importance and necessity of reading and meditating on the Gospel everyday, on the life and teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ for only then could we get to know Jesus better and develop an intimate relationship with Him, the Way, and the Truth, which leads to Life!
Are we willing to faithfully tread on the true way which leads to authentic and lasting happiness no matter what it takes and for love? Let us ask God to grant us the grace to live for Him by imitating the example and living the life of His Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Mother Mary and St. Joseph, help us to carry out daily this resolution.
A Blessed Sunday and week ahead to you and your family! Fr. Rolly Arjonillo.
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