Nov. 17ST. ELIZABETH OF HUNGARY.Edifying example of love for the poor and detachment from worldly goods. St. Elisabeth (1207-1231) of Hungary was the daughter...
Love for the poor
Sept. 27ST. VINCENT DE PAUL, PriestShort bio + Divine office 2nd reading Born in France, St. Vincente (1581-1660), as a priest, dedicated his life...
Sept. 3: ST. GREGORY THE GREATPope, Monk, Doctor of the Church Inspiring biographical notes and achievements St. Gregory I was born on 540 AD...
August 25.ST. JOSEPH CALASANZ,Founder of the Piarists.Universal Patron of all the Christian popular schools in the world. Today we remember St. Joseph Calasanz, a...
September 5ST. TERESA OF CALCUTTA.POPE FRANCIS’ BEAUTIFUL HOMILY: “May our only criterion for action is gratuitous love, free from every ideology…offered freely to everyone...
WANT TO KNOW THE “POPE FRANCIS APPROACH”?Here are some 7 ideas to keep in mind. Dear friends, I have come across this video which I...