Tuesday, 8th week Ordinary TimeDAILY GOSPEL COMMENTARY:GOD IS NEVER OUTDONE IN GENEROSITY. (Mk 10:28-31). GOSPELMk 10:28–31Peter began to say to Jesus, “We have given...
4 min read
WHAT IS CHRISTIAN POVERTY? Jesus told the rich young man, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the...
Homily 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time C SEEK WHAT IS ABOVE WHERE CHRIST IS SEATED. BE RICH IN WHAT MATTERS TO GOD Dear brethren...
JESUS IS OUR HOPE AND NOT THE WORLDLY GOODS. Pope Francis’ Address to Youth in Morelia, Mexico.
13 min read
JESUS IS OUR HOPE AND NOT THE WORLDLY GOODS. Pope Francis’ Address to Youth in Morelia, Mexico Dear friends in Christ, below you have...