HOMILY FOR THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD 1. WHAT DOES OUR LORD’S ASCENSION SIGNIFY? After having finished his mission on earth, Our Lord ascended...
Ascension of Our Lord
POPE FRANCIS HOMILY ON THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD Solemnity of the Ascension – Seventh Sunday of Easter, 16 May 2021 In the last...
THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD REFLECTION (2): ITS REPERCUSSIONS IN OUR CHRISTIAN LIFE. Summary vid + full text. After having seen the significance of...

ASCENSION OF OUR LORD THURSDAY OR SUNDAY. MASS PRAYERS AND READINGS. Where the Solemnity of the Ascension is not to be observed as a...
THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD REFLECTION (1): ITS SIGNIFICANCE. Summary vid + full text. “’It is not for you to know the times or...

POPE BENEDICT XVI ON THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD. Below you have a two homilies and a Regina caeli address given by Pope Benedict...

POPE FRANCIS ON THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST Updated May 21, 2023 REGINA CAELISaint Peter’s SquareSunday, 21 May 2023 __________________________________ Dear brothers and...
ASCENSION OF OUR LORD: THE GLORIFICATION OF THE SACRED HUMANITY OF CHRIST. “Now the Master is teaching his disciples: he has opened their minds...

ST. AUGUSTINE ON THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD. Dear brethren in Christ, this sermon of St. Augustine is worth the read and meditation. Happy...
Summary of Catholic Teaching TOPIC 11: THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD Dear brethren in Christ, below is a doctrinal summary worthwhile for personal reading...