HOLINESS, THE ONLY ONE THING NECESSARY. Porro unum est necessarium, our Lord said. Only one thing is necessary: personal holiness. This is the secret...
Little things

Homily Reflection 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time B THE MIRACLE OF LOAVES AND FISH. In the next five Sundays, the Gospel will center around...

Friday, 2nd week of Easter DAILY GOSPEL AND COMMENTARY: LITTLE THINGS. “MULTIPLICATION OF LOAVES AND FISH” Jn 6:1-15. READING I Acts 5:34–42 A Pharisee in the...
HOLINESS IN LITTLE THINGS DONE OUT OF LOVE FOR GOD. God calls us to holiness. But God counts on our free collaboration, hence,...
LOVE FOR GOD IS SHOWN IN OUR CARE FOR LITTLE THINGS. We will be vigilant in love and far from lukewarm if we remain...
RECEIVE THE KINGDOM OF GOD LIKE A CHILD. “And they were bringing children to him, that he might touch them; and the disciples rebuked...
HOLINESS IS MADE UP OF LITTLE THINGSDONE WITH GREAT LOVE FOR GOD AND FOR OTHERS. Many people have the wrong notion that holiness consists...