DO WE TREAT GOD AS OUR “PLUMBER”? During a friendly spiritual chat, a priest asked a young boy if he prays daily for his...
PRAYER: A SIGN OF GOD’S INITIATIVE. A GIFT FROM GOD. “Jesus thirsts; his asking arises from the depths of God’s desire for us. Whether...
1 min read
BLESSED BE THY PURITY PRAYER. Purity is an eminently positive virtue which gains the grace of God for the person who lives it. It...

SHORT DAILY PRAYERS TO THE HOLY FAMILY. CSFH PRAYER Jesus, Mary and Joseph,we entrust to you our parents,siblings and grandparents.Keep them safe from all...

AIM TO PRAY THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE DAY. As Christians called to holiness, we are called to be men and women of prayer, not only...
ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA’S PRAYER OF TRUST IN GOD’S LOVE AND POWER. When you feel downtrodden and helpless, say this prayer of St. Ignatius...
MORNING CONSECRATION TO MARY: “MY QUEEN AND MY MOTHER”. My Queen and my Mother, I give myself entirely to you; and to show my...

LORD JESUS TRULY PRESENT IN THE TABERNACLE… To You we entrust all the intentions of those who pray upon seeing this video. We...
PRAYER TO MARY, MOTHER OF GRACE (BY ST. ATHANASIUS) It becomes you to be mindful of us, as you stand near him who granted...

REGINA CAELI PRAYER (QUEEN OF HEAVEN). The Queen of heaven prayer is recited during Easter at noontime or at 6pm depending on the country,...
1 min read
PRAYER BEFORE A CRUCIFIX Look down upon me, good and gentle Jesus, while before Thy face I humbly kneel and, with burning soul, pray...

PRAYER TO JESUS THE NAZARENE. LORD JESUS THE BLACK NAZARENE… Beloved Lord Jesus, Black Nazarene,we come to you to help us.Life is a constant...