Nov. 12:

“Simply by reason of his defense of the union with Rome, he became the object of passionate controversy. Since he was responsible for his clergy, he had to discipline some of them who were publically advancing “Disuniate” positions, criticizing the union with Rome.
In 1620, a rival Orthodox archeparch was consecrated in Polotsk, and rumors began to circulate that Josaphat, who cherished Byzantine traditions, was preparing to abolish those traditions and replace them with Latin ones. Josaphat saw where all this was leading. “You people … want to put me to death,” he told them. “I am here among you as a shepherd, and you should know that I would be happy to give my life for you. I am ready to die for the union of the Church under St. Peter and his successor, the Pope.”
That happened in the fall of 1623, when a confrontation with an Orthodox priest resulted in a mob assembling at the bishop’s residence. Witnesses reported that Josaphat was dragged naked through the streets, shot, then beheaded. The violent death of this bishop who had lived and struggled for the unity of the Churches horrified many, even among those who had listened to his slanderers. Their hearts began to open toward unity. And the death of this martyr for unity bore a fruit that was not only hidden among the hearts of the people: his rival, the Orthodox archbishop, was eventually reconciled with the Catholic Church. Even his canonization unified East and West. (–josaphat-kuncewicz–bishop-and–martyr-.html)”
His body is now buried in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. In 1867, Josaphat e was the first saint of the Eastern Church to be canonized by Rome. For his abundant apostolic zeal winning the conversion of souls to the Catholic faith, he is also known as the thief of souls.
He gave his life for the unity of the Church
From the Encyclical Ecclesiam Dei
Stir up in your Church, we pray, O Lord, the Spirit that filled Saint Josaphat as he laid down his life for the sheep, so that through his intercession we, too, may be strengthened by the same Spirit and not be afraid to lay down our life for others. Through our Lord.
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