1. Today’s 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A Gospel recounts three parables: that of the hidden treasure, the pearl and the fishing net.
In the 1st two parables, Jesus shows us the highest value we should aspire for is that of the Kingdom of heaven. He also shows the attitude which people need if they are to attain it. The parables are very alike, but it is interesting to note the differences:

- The treasure means abundance of gifts; the pearl indicates the beauty of the Kingdom.
- The treasure is something stumbled upon; the pearl, the result of a lengthy search; but in both instances the finder is filled with joy.
- Faith, vocation, true wisdom, desire for heaven, are things which sometimes are discovered suddenly and unexpectedly, and sometimes after much searching (cf. St Gregory the Great, In Evangelia homiliae, 11).
- However, the attitude we should have must be that of the finder in the parables: “he goes and sells all that he has and buys it”: detachment and generosity are indispensable for obtaining the treasure.
- “Anyone who understands the Kingdom which Christ proposes realizes that it is worth staking everything to obtain it … The Kingdom of heaven is difficult to win. No one can be sure of achieving it, but the humble cry of a repentant man can open wide its doors” (J. Escrivá, Chris is passing by, 180).
In the 3rd parable, Jesus explains to us that the kingdom of heaven is like a fishing net which when put into the sea collects all sorts of things in addition to fish — algae, weeds, rubbish etc.
- The net is the Church, the sea is the world.
- In this parable, Jesus reminds us that at the end of time God will judge men and separate the good from the bad. Judgment and hell exist: Jesus emphasizes these truths because of man’s great tendency to forget them
2. Perhaps we can ask ourselves: do we have the same disposition as the merchant who found the hidden treasure and the pearl as regards to God, our Catholic faith, and our yearning to be with God in heaven?

- Do we realize that is it worth giving up everything, risking everything so as to be with God, faithful to His Church, and reach heaven?
- The 1st two parables teach us that we need to be generous in employing all the means and to give up all things which might contribute to losing God in our life and separating us from the right path that leads to heaven.
- And what is that which separates us from God and from heaven? SIN.
3. To know that to be with God in heaven is our most important goal requires the gift of wisdom and understanding.
- This we see in the first reading which presents to us the example of Solomon, who had the chance to ask God for a long life, riches or the lives of his enemies, but asked Him instead for “an understanding heart to judge your people and to distinguish right from wrong” to listen and to govern, which was what God called him.
- “With this request we recognize in the first place God’s primacy: where He is not, nothing can be good. Where God is not seen, man also decays and so does the world. In this sense, the Lord tells us: “Seek first of all the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and the rest will be given to you” (Mt 6:33). These words establish an order of priorities for human action, for our attitude in daily life…” (Benedict XVI, Jesus of Nazareth).
- And if the time comes when choosing God and our faith over the worldly material things would cause us immense difficulties, let us not forget what St. Paul teaches us in the 2nd reading: Brothers and sisters: We know that all things work for good for those who love God

Let us ask God through Our Lady:
- to grant us the gifts of wisdom and understanding to put Him in the highest priority;
- to realize that to be with Him is our most important goal in this life,
- to separate us from what separates us from Him: sin.
Let us also ask for this generosity and detachment to give up anything and to put all the means so that what we ask Him in the Our Father: thy Kingdom come, will come into reality in our life here on earth as it is in heaven.
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