Dear brethren in Christ, if you wish to keep your Faith in God alive and vibrant, here are some short daily habits which you could practice out of love for God.
1. Morning offering
2. Angelus
3. Gospel reading
4. Mental prayer
5. Spiritual reading
6. Nightime prayer and examination of conscience
Assuming that you pray before and after meals, you could add more acts of piety for if we want to grow in our friendship and love with God and Our Lady, we have to deal with them more frequently.
Perhaps, some would think that one is so busy and doesn’t have time…Well, if we have time for Facebook, for eating, for watching TV, for surfing, for sleeping…we could also dedicate some time for God, right? In short, when there’s a will to love God, there’s a way :D. In total, these good acts of piety could be done in less than 30 minutes a day, distributed throughout so you could live in God’s presence.
Of course, if you wish to prolong your mental prayer, and add more acts of piety like:
– Visit to the Blessed Sacrament at a nearby church or chapel,
– reciting the Angelus or Regina coeli (Easter season) during midday,
– and praying the Holy Rosary during travel time to school or work,
– frequent Holy Mass… and at least, monthly Confession (or when needed) you may do so and much better!
But try to incorporate them gradually if you’re just starting. And if by chance you have omitted or forgotten one of them, don’t worry … it’s not a sin :D. What’s important is you begin again the next day and with perseverance day in and out, we will acquire these habits which are necessary if we are to grow in our dealings with God and advance in the path towards holiness to which God calls us.
Here’s another version of the meme.
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Thanks and God bless you and your loved ones! Fr. Rolly Arjonillo.