Dear brethren in Christ, with Palm Sunday, the Holy Week, the most important week in the liturgical year, begins. But why is it called “holy”.
The week is called “HOLY” because it commemorates the patent demonstration and summit of Our Lord’s Holiest and Immense Love for the entire humanity– a love willing to suffer unto “death, death on the Cross” in order to save us from our sins, and a love which knows no end, conquering death itself with His Resurrection-, with His Passion, Death and Resurrection.
As a review, we will briefly enumerate what happened during each day of the week based on the Gospel accounts.
Palm Sunday
- Jesus’ triumphal entry of into Jerusalem
Holy Monday
- Mary anoints Jesus with perfume. Judas is scandalized and leaves.
Holy Tuesday
- Jesus predicts Judas’ betrayal and Peter’s triple denial.
Holy Wednesday
- Judas betrays Jesus and hands him over to the chief priests.
Maundy or Holy Thursday
- Jesus washes the feet of His Apostles and gives the New Commandment of love
- Jesus institutes the Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and of Orders during the Last Supper.
Good Friday
- The Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Holy or Black Saturday
- Contemplation of Jesus in the tomb in silence and adoration
Easter Sunday

- Jesus resurrects from the dead and triumphs over sin, death, evil, and the devil.
Let us thank God not only with feelings and words, but also with works, taking advantage of the Holy Week to grow in our self-giving to Him, -and for Him-, to His Church and all souls.
N.B. The events described in each day are based on the Gospel of the Holy Mass for each day. The Gospel for the Holy Wednesday Mass recounts how Judas made a deal with the chief priests to deliver Jesus to them for 30 pieces of silver. The betrayal is initiated and culminates to Jesus’ arrest after the Last Supper.
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