SOLEMNITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THE KING. Origin and significance AV summary + full text. Pope Pius XI instituted the Feast of Christ...
Christ the King
HOMILY FOR THE SOLEMNITY OF JESUS CHRIST THE KING YEAR A: Jesus is King, Shepherd and Judge. OUTLINE “How worthy is the Lamb who...
SOLEMNITY OF CHRIST THE KING: “THY KINGDOM COME.”adiscourse of Origen on prayer. SOLEMNITY OF CHRIST THE KINGFrom a discourse of Origen on prayerThy kingdom...
LET CHRIST REIGN IN YOU, AND THROUGH YOU, IN OTHERS. “How will Christ reign in the world? By first reigning in each of us....
SOLEMNITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THE KING. Mass Readings. Reflection of today’s readings in LITURGY OF THE WORD First reading: Book of Ezechiel...