POPE BENEDICT XVI: HISTORY OF CORPUS CHRISTI 8 min read Preparation for Corpus Christi POPE BENEDICT XVI: HISTORY OF CORPUS CHRISTI catholicsstrivingforholiness 3 years ago POPE BENEDICT XVI: HISTORY OF CORPUS CHRISTI GENERAL AUDIENCEWednesday, 17 November 2010 Pope Benedict XVI on Saint Juliana of Cornillon and the history of...Read More
POPE BENEDICT XVI ON CORPUS CHRISTI. The Eucharist, a call to holiness and self-giving. 26 min read Corpus Christi B POPE BENEDICT XVI ON CORPUS CHRISTI. The Eucharist, a call to holiness and self-giving. catholicsstrivingforholiness 4 years ago POPE BENEDICT XVI ON CORPUS CHRISTI. Edited June 11, 2022 Dear brethren in Christ, below you have three wonderful homilies given by Pope Benedict...Read More