Deal with the Holy Spirit frequently. Live the life according to the Spirit! But for this, we need to be docile to His divine inspirations and allow Him to work and mould our soul into the image of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Only then shall we advance along the path of holiness to which God calls each one of us.

Prayer of St. Josemaria to the Holy Spirit
Come, O Holy Spirit:
enlighten my understanding
to know your commands;
strengthen my heart
against the wiles of the enemy; inflame my will…
I have heard your voice,
and I don’t want to harden my heart to resisting,
by saying ‘later… tomorrow.’
Nunc coepi! Now!
Lest there be no tomorrow for me!
O, Spirit of truth and wisdom,
Spirit of understanding and counsel,
Spirit of joy and peace!
I want what you want,
I want it because you want it,
I want it as you want it,
I want it when you want it.
Photo mine: Juan Antonio (painter)
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