When God calls


Dear brethren in Christ, all of us have a vocation, a calling from God: the vocation to holiness and apostolate, being instruments of God’s love and mercy. However, God calls some people to a particular vocation, whether as a priest, religious or lay apostolic celibate, or as a married person…yes, marriage is a divine vocation!

When God calls someone, He calls the person not because that he or she is talented, virtuous or better than others: vocation is not merited. No. God calls because God loves: our divine calling is a sign of divine predilection. It is the path He points to us how we can love, serve and glorify Him in our life here on earth. It is the way through which God wants us to be really happy on earth as in heaven.

In order to know which way God is leading us, we must ask Him in our daily prayer:
“Lord, what is it you want from me?”
Sooner or later, He will indicate us the way through frequent prayer and reception of sacraments and with the help one receives in spiritual direction with a holy and prudent priest, religious or layman friend.

It shouldn’t surprise us to if we consider ourselves unworthy of such a sublime call, for the fact is that we all are unworthy…Nor should our sins, our past life, errors, infidelities should worry us. As Pope Francis said during the WYD 2016 Prayer Vigil:

“You might say to me: Father, but I have my limits, I am a sinner, what can I do?
When the Lord calls us, he doesn’t worry about what we are, what we have been, or what we have done or not done. Quite the opposite. When He calls us, he is thinking about everything we have to give, all the love we are capable of spreading. His bets are on the future, on tomorrow…

Today Jesus, who is the way, the truth and the life, is calling you to leave your mark on history.
He, who is life, is asking each of you to leave a mark that brings life to your own history and that of many others.
He, who is the truth, is asking you to abandon the paths of rejection, division, and emptiness.
Are you up to this?
What answer will you give, with your hands and with your feet, to the Lord,
who is the way, the truth and the life?”

With St. Teresa of Avila, and
through the intercession of Our Lady,
let us pray so that many would be generous to totally give themselves to  Our Lord and tell Him:
“In Your hand
I place my heart,
Body, life and soul,
Deep feelings and affections mine,
Spouse – Redeemer sweet,
Myself offered now to you…
I am Yours, for You I was born.

Fr. Rolly Arjonillo, priest of Opus Dei.

ORIGINAL PHOTO SOURCE: http://cdn-europe1.new2.ladmedia.fr/var/europe1/storage/images/europe1/international/le-pape-francois-elu-personnalite-de-l-annee-par-time-749442/15029128-1-fre-FR/Le-pape-Francois-elu-personnalite-de-l-annee-par-Time.jpg