The Story of King Midas. Beautiful video summary and text.

Do you know that you could convert every
noble thing that you do into prayer and
as means to love and serve God,
and all souls and thus as path to holiness?
All of us have heard the legend of King Midas when we were young. The king had the power to convert everything he touched into gold. But he wasn’t happy for he converted his food, wine and daughter into gold as well!
As Christians, we as well could convert everything to something much more valuable than gold. We can seek, love, serve and glorify God in all the noble tasks that we do throughout the day and convert them into prayer. Not only the prayers and sacraments in themselves, but also all our daily tasks as well.
Those long hours of study, of hard work, the countless details in family and social life, including illness, tiredness, problems, traffic jams, sports and rest, could be converted into prayer and as a path to holiness!
- Do them well in the best way you can for love of God and of neighbor,
- practice the virtues (for example: patience, diligence, kindness, fortitude etc…) and then
- offer them up to Our Lord, before, during or after,
- add an intention (e.g., for the conversion of sinners, for your family, as reparation for your sins, for the Pope, the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for those who are suffering, for world peace…whatever your generous heart desires).
In this way, you have sanctified what you are doing, they have become means to love and serve God and others: paths to holiness which is God’s will for us.
Don’t forget that Jesus, as Perfect God and Perfect Man, made this possible for us. By becoming man, He sanctified all noble realities and activities, opening the divine paths on earth towards holiness. Everything He did during His earthly life was holy: he converted them into prayer and his ordinary daily activities had a divine and redeeming value. Let us imitate Him and tread on His footsteps by converting all the activities of our daily life into prayer and occasions to love and serve God, His Church and all souls, for His Honor and Glory.
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31). And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him (Col 3:17).”
Mary, Most Holy, pray for us!
Fr. Rolly A., priest of Opus Dei.
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