A Christian who does not pray is like an eagle without wings or a plane without a motor. He cannot fly and arrive at his destination. We, Christians, are called to fall in love with Jesus more each day in order to live His life. This is made possible through our frequent dealings with Jesus through the means He gave us: prayer and sacraments.
Dear brethren in Christ, let us be men and women of prayer. If we wish to go faster in our life of prayer, which is nothing but conversing with God, Mary is our best teacher. Who was the person here on earth who dealt and talked most intimately and best with God? Mary, Daughter of God the Father, Mother of God the Son, Spouse of God the Holy Spirit!
We must recall that God became man while Mary was praying…

“The scene of the Annunciation is a very lovely one. How often we have meditated on this. Mary is recollected in prayer. She is using all her senses and her faculties to speak to God. It is in prayer that she comes to know the divine Will. And with prayer she makes it the life of her life. Do not forget the example of the Virgin Mary.”
(St. Josemaria, Furrow, n. 481).
Let us learn from Our Lady’s example and her help so that we may be men and women of prayer, convinced that a lot of good and important things depend whether on our prayer.
Stay safe and God bless! Fr. Rolly Arjonillo
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