POPE FRANCIS ON THE 7TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C. ANGELUSSaint Peter’s SquareSunday, 20 February 2022 ______________________________ Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno! In the...
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

POPE BENEDICT XVI ON THE 7TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME C. “LOVE YOUR ENEMIES (Lk 6:27-38).” ANGELUSSt Peter’s SquareSunday, 18 February 2007 Dear Brothers...
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time Reflection Homily Year C:“BE MERCIFUL, JUST AS YOUR FATHER IS MERCIFUL(Lk 6:36).” OUTLINE Summary of ideas of today’s Sunday...
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year CMass prayers and readings. ENTRANCE ANTIPHONDómine, in tua misericórdia sperávi. Exsultávit cor meum in salutare tuo, cantábo Dómino,...