POPE FRANCIS ON VICES AND VIRTUES (9): ENVY AND VAINGLORY Cycle of Catechesis. Vices and Virtues. 9. Envy and vainglory Dear brothers and sisters, good...
vices and virtues

POPE FRANCIS ON VICES AND VIRTUES 5: AVARICE GENERAL AUDIENCEPaul VI Audience HallWednesday, 24 January 2024 _______________________________________ The following text includes parts that were...

POPE FRANCIS ON VICES AND VIRTUES 4: LUST GENERAL AUDIENCEPaul VI Audience HallWednesday, 17 January 2024 _______________________________________ The following text includes parts that were...
POPE FRANCIS ON VICES AND VIRTUES 1: SAFEGUARDING THE HEART Vices and Virtues. 1. Introduction: safeguarding the heart Dear brothers and sisters, good morning! Today...