gospel friday 3rd week of easter



Lord, have mercyLord, have mercy
Christ, have mercyChrist, have mercy
Lord, have mercyLord, have mercy
God our Father in heavenhave mercy on us
God the Son, Redeemer of the worldhave mercy on us
God the Holy Spirithave mercy on us
Holy Trinity, one Godhave mercy on us
Blood of Christ, only Son of the Fatherbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, incarnate Wordbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, of the new and eternal covenantbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, that spilled to the groundbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, that flowed at the scourgingbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, dripping from the thornsbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, shed on the crossbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, the price of our redemptionbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, our only claim to pardonbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, our blessing cupbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, in which we are washedbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, torrent of mercybe our salvation
Blood of Christ, that overcomes evilbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, strength of the martyrsbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, endurance of the saintsbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, that makes the barren fruitfulbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, protection of the threatenedbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, comfort of the wearybe our salvation
Blood of Christ, solace of the mournerbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, hope of the repentantbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, consolation of the dyingbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, our peace and refreshmentbe our salvation
Blood of Christ, our pledge of lifebe our salvation
Blood of Christ, by which we pass to glorybe our salvation
Blood of Christ, most worthy of honorbe our salvation
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the worldhave mercy on us
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the worldhave mercy on us
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the worldhave mercy on us
Lord, you redeemed us by your blood.You have made us a kingdom to serve our God.

Let us pray.

O God, who by the Precious Blood of your Only Begotten Son
have redeemed the whole world,
preserve in us the work of your mercy,
so that, ever honoring the mystery of our salvation,
we may merit to obtain its fruits.
Through Christ our Lord.
R/. Amen.

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