(Lk 6:37)
This is the attitude of the true disciple of Christ. The greatness of man, the authentic realization of his being, lies in imitating Christ, our model. God’s mercy is necessary to judge others with God’s compassion, overcoming a mere human parameter. St. Augustine comments:
“See, brothers, how clear and useful is this admonition … Every man, at the same time that he is a debtor before God, has his brother as a debtor … Because of this the just God established that, just as you behave with your debtor, he will behave with you … Regarding forgiveness, you do not only want your sin to be forgiven, but you also have someone to forgive … Therefore, if we want to be forgiven, we must be willing to forgive all the sins that are committed against us … (Sermon 83, 2-4).”
A mercy ready to forgive resides in the meek and humble soul. He who may have offended, should ask for forgiveness; he who was forgiven, must grant it to him who asked for it. Thus we will observe the commandment of the Lord.