As Christians called to holiness, we are called to be men and women of prayer, not only during the moments exclusively dedicated to mental prayer, vocal prayer, and sacraments, but also in the ordinary daily activities of our life. How?
As Christians called to holiness, we are called to be men and women of prayer, not only during the moments exclusively dedicated to mental prayer, vocal prayer, and sacraments, but also in the ordinary daily activities of our life. How?

The time we dedicate to family, work, study, rest, sports, travel and social life could be converted into prayer as long as we make it a habit to seek God behind these activities, carry them out according to His Will, offer them to God, and practice the human and supernatural virtues.


St. Josemaria, who encourages us to be “contemplatives in the middle of the world,” gives us this useful advice:
St. Josemaria, who encourages us to be “contemplatives in the middle of the world,” gives us this useful advice:

“Your life must be a constant prayer, a never-ceasing conversation with Our Lord: when things are pleasant or unpleasant, easy or difficult, usual or unusual.
In every situation, your conversation with your Father God should immediately come to life. You should seek him right within your soul.” Forge, 538.
“Your life must be a constant prayer, a never-ceasing conversation with Our Lord: when things are pleasant or unpleasant, easy or difficult, usual or unusual.
In every situation, your conversation with your Father God should immediately come to life. You should seek him right within your soul.” Forge, 538.

Isn’t it that people in love think of their beloved constantly throughout the whole day? We are called to love God with our whole heart…

May we strive to be live in His presence, in constant conversation with Father God, converting all the circumstances of our daily life to seek, find and talk to, and love Him, so as to do what He wants from us in each moment
May we strive to be live in His presence, in constant conversation with Father God, converting all the circumstances of our daily life to seek, find and talk to, and love Him, so as to do what He wants from us in each moment
. For this we ask the intercession of Mother Mary and St. Joseph.

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